Tag Archive: holidays


Dear Friends, You have my apologies, I have been on a long hiatus from this blog, but not, I’ll have you know, from photography. Many things have happened since I last wrote so… Continue reading

Sweetly Serendipitous

A little bit of screaming, quite a bit of sunshine and a whole lot of fun! When spending the day out in Sydney, walking across the bridge, soaking in the views, showing our… Continue reading

The Importance of being Glorious

It is holidays! A ha, the wonderfulness begins you say!? Well I agree dear reader…it does indeed. 3 days filled with the reading of Oscar Wilde as a backdrop to glorious weather of… Continue reading

Stop taking photos!

“Stop taking pictures E!” said my cousin. Not getting enough attention obviously, or perhaps I wasn’t playing ninjas well enough or he was sick of me saying “SMILE!”. I’ve been out west for… Continue reading

les oeufs de Pâques

Did the Easter bunny bring them…or perhaps the bells of France….or did the fairies hide them in your garden? I can’t decide which makes me smile more: seeing the glittery wrappers up a… Continue reading

Odd Reflections

I’ve had a busy few days at home, enjoying trail bike rides, bubbles, baby playing, food and outings! Below are some pictures of the bush reflected in the car windows, some using a… Continue reading